Mostrando todos los 6 resultados


  • 1 Zumo de Arándano.
  • 1 Zumo de Frambuesa.
  • 1 zumo de Mora.

Sidra de manzana

Nuestra sidra artesanal de manzana, elaborada con manzanas selectas de la zona cordillerana de la región de Ñuble, te invita a conocer un sabor excepcional. Prueba y sorpréndete con la calidad que mereces, ideal para disfrutar tus tardes y noches de primavera y verano.

Fermented Cranberry Juice

Beeren Männle presents a new and attractive line of fermented fruit juices. It is the color, aromas and flavors of blackberries, cherries, blueberries and raspberries from the Ñuble region, a selection of the best fruits in the area, naturally macerated and fermented to extract only the fermenting juice through pressing. which, after resting in our ponds, will be ready for packaging. It is a sweet-tasting fermented juice.

Zumo de Frambuesas Fermentadas

Beeren Männle presents a new and attractive line of fermented fruit juices. It is the color, aromas and flavors of blackberries, cherries, blueberries and raspberries from the Ñuble region, a selection of the best fruits in the area, naturally macerated and fermented to extract only the fermenting juice through pressing. which, after resting in our ponds, will be ready for packaging. It is a sweet-tasting fermented juice.

Zumo de Moras Fermentadas

Beeren Männle presents a new and attractive line of fermented fruit juices. It is the color, aromas and flavors of blackberries, cherries, blueberries and raspberries from the Ñuble region, a selection of the best fruits in the area, naturally macerated and fermented to extract only the fermenting juice through pressing. which, after resting in our ponds, will be ready for packaging. It is a sweet-tasting fermented juice.